Steering 101

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Proper steering techniques
What to know about power steering


Proper steering techniques

Steering is obviously a critically important component of driving. It allows you to turn, change lanes, maneuver your car properly when parking and much more. The vast majority of drivers out there steer their vehicle just fine every day when they are driving. However, true proper steering technique ends up going by the wayside for many people once they pass their driving test at a young age.

As we said, many people get by just fine with an improper steering technique. The issue is, they could be driving even more efficiently and safely had they been using a proper technique for steering their vehicle. The by the book and most efficient way to handle steering will start with both hands on the steering wheel at all times on the outside of the wheel on opposite sides. If you imagine the wheel as a clock, you should have your hands positioned at about the 9 O’clock and 3 O’clock positions when you are holding the wheel steady and driving straight.

When you are maneuvering the wheel, you should always use a technique call “push-pull steering”. In this technique, your hands will feed the wheel to your other hand as your turn the wheel without your arms ever crossing each other. This is recommended due to the fact that your arms will not impede the airbag in the cases of an accident.

What to know about power steering

Power steering is the system in your vehicle which, in real-time, signals your wheels to turn and how far. It is not actually you turning the wheels because, if it were, it would be very difficult as well as a big strain on you and your arms due to the weight of the wheels and the steering system components as well as the amount of tension caused by the motion of the vehicle. Instead, when you turn your steering wheel, the power steering system gets instantaneously engaged and does the work for you based on the exact movement of the wheel. There are several different types of power steering systems and each has different ways of powering the system. Some will power the system from the engine whereas others will power the system through belts, electric motors or computers. Most modern power steering systems will use a computer although all work fine.


Steering is such an important and frequent part of driving that it is a subconscious action for many after a year or two of driving. However, always being focused on using the proper technique when steering is crucial. It will help make maneuvering the car easier and it will help keep you even safer. An improper steering technique can even go as far to cause your arms to possibly impede the airbags if deployed which can be fatal in the case of an accident.

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