What You Need to Know About Your Dashboard Light Indicators

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The importance of paying attention to your dashboard indicators in Hawaii
The different types of indicators you need to know


The importance of paying attention to your dashboard indicators in Hawaii

Ignoring the idicators that light up on your dashboard are often the subject of many memes online because it is such common place behavior. However, it is an extremely dangerous game to play. Doing this can cause a ton of damage to your car and can put you in a very unsafe position on the road.

Specifically, in Hawaii, you are always at the risk of dealing with sudden rain as well as frequently dealing with potholes and cracks in the roads. So, if your dashboard lights are informing you that something is wrong and you ignore it when you are driving in Hawaii, you could end up with a tire blowout or something much worse. The worst part of the situation will be that you will know how easily you could have prevented the situation if you just had payed attention in the first place.

The different types of indicators you need to know

There are several different dashboard indicator lights that you need to make sure you pay attention to and do something about immediately if they light up:

  • Tire pressure light indicator – Your tire pressure indicator is of higher importance in Hawaii than it is in most places. That is because of the potential for blowouts with potholes and cracks on the roads. If your tire is underinflated and you do not do anything about it, it could spell disaster if you hit a pothole.
  • Brake light indicator – Obviously your brake light indicator is extremely important. Without your brakes functioning completely correctly your ability to stop your vehicle correctly will be compromised. This can easily be the difference between life and death.
  • Check engine light indicator – This has the potential to be as serious as any other indicator on your dashboard. It could mean any number of things which can include potentially extremely important and crucial engine components. Do not ignore this light thinking that it is not serious.
  • Oil light indicator – As you might expect, your oil light indicator obviously means that it is time to get your oil changed. However, you should be keeping track of this yourself without the help of your dashboard light and get your oil changed every three thousand miles or so regardless.
  • Battery light indicator – Your battery light indicator is also quite serious. This means that you are in danger of your car not being able to start or, possibly, turning off suddenly as you are driving which is outrageously dangerous. Get your battery serviced as soon as you see this indicator light up.



Not paying attention to the indicator lights on your dashboard is not just irresponsible, it is plain out dangerous. In Hawaii in particular, the potential for sudden rainy weather and/or potholes on some roads in Hawaii are more than enough reason to make sure your car is constantly in its best and safest condition possible. If you need to ship a car from Hawaii or to Hawaii, you can always rely on us. Give us a call anytime at (808) 445-6695.

Category: Hawaii Car Shipping.